lördag 28 maj 2011


1-2 webcam pictures of me and a messy backround. 3-4 randome from weheartit

You might have noticed the lack of posts. And I'm gonna be honest, I've been thinking and trying, should I or should I not be blogging?
Since the quality has gone down a lot in most of my posts, and I rarely write about my own life that detailed and often, I think it's time to let go.
Right now, I'm just 15 years old and have a long summer break infront of me. And a lifetime. And a bunch of goals I want to achive before I die. Soon I'll head down to England for 3 weeks, and I'm having greater plans for rest of my life.

Maybe one day I'll se you guys again, but for now. This is goodbye.
Sometimes, as a substitute for my blog you'll find me on flickr. Www.flickr.com/Lisatoomus :)

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